In total we livedtogether for a wonderful 4 years and coincidently at the end of that timewe each met the men of our dreams. I'm still in New York wit... my boyfriend,while Liz lives in Great Barrington, Massachusetts. She and her husbandremain our good friends and we spend a good deal of time visiting togetherwhen they come to the City or when we go up to the Berkshires.Of course that isn't the point of the story, so I'll get down to the goodparts. Liz and I had been living together for about a. He was easily four thousand years older than she was, and there were times when he forced her to do things in their bed that were vile and almost made Carisia sick to her stomach, but he was very strong physically and exceptionally cruel.Carisia watched as Robert Moran moved one of the pads in front of her mother Yuri and her grandmother Aikiro as well as three other officers that sat at the table, noticing that her mother didn't even pick it up."Whether that is by design or not, we don't. He’d found his family had gained a long lost ‘Uncle Brad’ and my presence was something he soon got use to and enjoyed.To make up for the time he had been away, Robert decided to take his wife Linda on a Golf Tournament tour in Scotland. And who better to watch over things in his absence than that reliable Uncle Brad!So off in a Cab they had gone, leaving me and Rachel together! But I was careful not to do anything a trustworthy Uncle shouldn’t; other than to slip off with her on a dirty. But, at the time, I was drawing a blank.My moment arrived the following day when we planned to have a picnic at a state park close by us.At first, things were as they usually went, with a couple of exceptions, like how my wife Meadow was dressed in her blue jeans and had on a light white button-down shirt. While she was setting up the picnic table I noticed she unbuttoned the top a little more than usual, and thought, That's my girl.Then, my daughter, Stevie, of course, decided to wear her.
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