Sein eigener Trieb meldete sich, als er den Verlauf weiter durchscrollte. Unwillkürlich sah er Martina auf den Bildern. Seine Phantasie sprang Die Suchbegriffe sprachen Bände: "Große Schwänze", "Ficken", "Masturbation", "Anonyme Kontakte", "Ficktreffen"... Seiten über Seiten nur Pornographie, Videos, Bilder, Kontaktanzeigen. Jetzt wusste er, warum seine schöne Schwiegermutter bei seinem frühzeitigen Eintreffen so durcheinander gewesen war. Sie hatte über eine Stunde lang. It took a hold of me and pulled me in. I felt hands take hold of my ass cheeks and pull me forward. It did not take long for her to begin to cum again and soon she was raising her hips to meet my thrusts and gasping for air.“Baby, I need to cum now.”“Do it. Do it!”I thrust two more times and let loose a large blast of sperm into her already pregnant body. She pulled me into her tightly and squeezed my butt as hard as she could, while pulling more with her feet against my thighs. She let out a. You’re my everything. And I’d die if I ever lost you. But honey, we’re in our forties, and the girls have fled the nest. We’ve always played it safe. Until now. And that’s fine. That’s okay. It’s one way to live our lives. And we didn’t go looking for this thing with Jason. Well, not this anyway. But it found us, and it’s here, and we have to work out what to do, baby.”Claire was still looking intently into my eyes, waiting for me to finish.“The way I see it, darling, is we can either. Love. Marry me, John. I will be your helper, mother of your children, strength when you are weak. But to love me, you have to love yourself. Show me you can forgive both of us our pasts and marry me.”I changed course from our intended restaurant and drove to the shopping mall. I took Bea’s hand and led her to Zale’s to have an engagement ring fitted to her finger. We bought wedding bands at the same time.“Bea Townsend, I am a wreck of a man but I am rebuilding my life on the sure foundation of.
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