Mom was completely still for a brief second and then her entire body quivered. I understood that I needed to simply hold and let her experience the fu...l impact. After the wave ran through her body, I knew I could start to lick again. Now each time my tongue moved across her cunt there was an additional quiver and shake. This excited me even more, thus I moved my tongue even more rapidly. Several more laps like that, and suddenly mom was now having her second orgasm. This time her hips continued. I followed her up. If Gwen looked hot even standing bundled in a coat, she looked hot as hell with the robe swaying over her flexing butt. I followed that wagging tail as I had followed it so many times. I stamped on the stairs so she couldn’t claim to be surprised, but she didn’t look around. She went directly to our room -- well, her room now -- and turned on the light. When I was inside, she shut the door. The decor said that it was her room -- mostly pink and yellow rather than the royal. These bodies were also used to the restrictive corsets, and dresses of this period. The muscles and bones had long ago adapted to their confinement.When we reached the bottom of the stairway, we paired up for our entrance to the dining room. I thought to myself how grateful I was that I did not have to endure this alone. I remembered that old saying about how 'misery loves company'. I turned to the other girls, pointed to my mouth, and I smiled. They got the hint and put pleasant smiles on. While they heated he poured a stiff measure of whisky, added ice and handed it to her. He raised his eyebrows at Lee, who asked for water. Then, to Igwanda's surprise, he turned to the colonel and the four soldiers. "May I take your orders, ladies and gentlemen?" They opted for food and water as well, and he set five more packages to heat as he served Meiersdottir and Lee with a flourish.Meiersdottir finished her meal and swallowed the last of her whisky quickly. She waved away Shaw's gestured.
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