All he could see was rocks and then the sky, then rocks and then more rocks, as his machine spun down into the ravine and hurled him to his doom. He the tough old Bell being ripped apart around him.He heard the screeching of metal across rock when the ‘copter touched the side of the mountain and then he was falling at a new angle as his bird bounced off the wall. He hung onto the seatbelts as the machine spun around him. He wanted to puke but the pressures on his body had him succumbing to. She lives on piss,and bugs, no longer does she have instestines. Her powers able too endure alot of pain, flexible green flex bones in her back, long 7 in snake tongue, an attaction to any bad element and can be relived from the dead,by the taste of blood. (note to readers especially the ones that like to put themselves in the story//dirty little sluts...: image your a she-demon with really no power to help you out, a whore having to serve the welps of a sadist demon. Like a Lara Croft having. Gut, irgendwann gab´s zur Begrüßung mal ein paar Küsschen oder zum Abschied eine etwas zu enge und lange Umarmung. Aber meine leichten Signale, dass ich mir etwas mehr vorstellen könnte, hat Daniel immer komplett ignoriert. Schließlich weiß er, dass ich verheiratet bin und er hatte eine süße Freundin. Aber vor zwei Wochen hat sie, die übrigens Krankenschwester in der benachbarten Klinik ist, ihn verlassen und sich ihren Stationsarzt geangelt. Daniel ist also wieder Single. Letzten Donnerstag. As she is kissing him, he gently strokes her back, with light-hearted fingers. She whimpers as his touch sends a tingle, of pleasure, up her spine and through her body and down to her wet pussy. Her senses are jolted into overdrive by his touch. She is overwhelmed with the need for his fingers, yet is afraid she might advance too quickly. In a state of shame, she pulls away from him."Is something wrong Eureka?" he asks, concern building in him."I- I don't want to upset you Renton. Maybe we.
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