Mr. Hardown groaned as he climbed up off the couch, walked over to his desk, and pulled his pants on. He was very happy, knowing that he had turned Co...rtney into a happy, obedient cheerleader.Courtney climbed up off the couch and limped over to his desk. She was very sore, but going through Mr. Hardown's unique form of discipline was worth it. She grabbed her top and used it to wipe Mr. Hardown's cum off of her miniskirt, ass, and pussy. She licked the cum off of her top with a smile.“So, uh.... "Wait here." He said and disappeared.Within minutes people began appearing. The first was Trellis Valse. Next was Firetree, Lord Esterhal's Royal Wizard. With the jump bracelet Dad had given him, he was soon jumping people in as well. I recognized Seablaze Marco and Skyblaze Rambol, but there were at least another dozen wizards I didn't recognize at all.Weaver McKesson, High Wizard of Arbor acted with his typical brute force and overwhelming style. He threw me a jump bracelet, knowing I didn't. Все-таки это было хорошее убежище, чтобы переждать бурю. Сарай, какой-никакой, но всё-же, крыша и стены хоть как-то защищали от ветра и снега, а под плотным прорезиненным тентом потихоньку становилось теплее. Конечно, это было не очень приятно; уши заломило от боли, кончики пальцев кололи тысячи раскалённых иголок, губы и подбородок наконец зашевелились и заболел нос, но это были спасительные ощущения и я знал, что стоит немного подождать и потерпеть и всё будет нормально, ничего не отморожено.. He must get a lot of invitations like this, because guys don’t shave their bodies unless it’s going to be seen a lot, and he’s no bodybuilder. His was an uncut cock, which was interesting because neither Eve nor I had ever had one to play with. Since Alex was the new toy on the block, both girls naturally gravitated to him at first, and I sat watching the show and stroking myself. Screw the five point penalty, I’m a guy. We jack off. Both girls rubbed their tits all over him, and fed him.
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