George went off to work on the docks and learned some useful information before he broke and ran when they decided to send him to Barbados, and I a different sort of fate as a groom at the riverside home of the Ambrose family, one of the richest bunch of Tories anywhere. I should have been able to learn something of use, but I did not.During my first night in the shabby, low-ceilinged loft above the horses, I was visited by the lady of the house, a mature and very healthy matron of, I. There is hardly anything that can shock me that bad. Don't forget that I'm 55 now and that I've seen a lot in my life."Shit. How can I tell Mom what kind of women I'd been attracted to? The fact is that the women I liked were all married, and all of them cheated on their husbands. They were easily defined as round-heeled sluts. But marrying one of those? Had it come up I would have run away as fast as I could, because I'd never ever marry a woman who would cheat on me as easily as I had had. Itis my first piece of fictional writing and would love feedback from peoplewho read it, I cannot wait to share the story with you all! Lastly thisstory is inspired by some of my favourite authors on this site including KT Pel and Lily Florette, I implore everyone to go and read the storiesthese authors have written, they're fantastic!Deborah sat looking out the window of her spare room. It was a drearySeptember morning, with summer clearly coming to an end at long last. Thesky was a dark grey. I was just getting used to my husband's rhythmic thrusts when he took the plastic vibrator, lubed it up, and shoved it deep into my tight asshole. I jerked in pain- that bastard knew how much I hated anal. His gentle thrusts gave way to more violent assaults on both of my holes, and my trust in my husband shattered into a thousand pieces. What was only moments ago thrilling became horrifying, my husband having ventured well beyond my previous limits of pain. I now understood that his.
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